Second chance school
“Belvárosi Tanoda” Secondary School Website of school
“Belvárosi Tanoda” running by the Foundation is a second chance school, where education is free of charge. Study time may last from 1 to 3 years depending on the students’ individual mental state and learning capacity. We have 150 students every year but about 2-300 teenagers come to the Tanoda a year. There is a personal interview with each applicant to decide how we will deal with their problems from now on.
Our main principle is that it is not the student intending to learn who should fit in the school, but it is us who try to fit the institutional framework to his or her needs. The most important elements of our supportive pedagogy method:
- formulating and providing an accepting, safe, supporting school atmosphere;
- providing the possibility of structured activities for the whole day;
- helping pair system;
- helping work and the crew-like operation of the Tanoda;
- individual learning program and methods.
The supportive pedagogy and the operation of the school
Adress: 1056 Budapest, Irányi u.19-23.
Phone: (+36 1) 266 3378
We are the member of Europien Second Chance Schools Assosiation